STUDENTS DISCOVER THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE The IMU Science Discovery Challenge and Chemistry Fiesta cast their spell on 600 participants Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Augustine S.H. Ong, President of Malaysian Oil Scientists' & Technologists' Association (MOSTA) spoke about his lifetime achievement as a scientist and the importance of chemistry in our daily lives during the ‘Future Direction of Chemistry in Malaysia’ forum. Kuala Lumpur, 30 June 2016 – More than 600 students from various secondary schools and Pre-University programmes around Malaysia took part in the IMU Science Discovery 2016 event recently, organised by International Medical University (IMU) in collaboration with the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM), Jabatan Kimia Malaysia, Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Pusat Sains Negara, Lembaga Getah Malaysia, Cancer Research Malaysia and Institute for Medical Research (IMR). (Left to right) Dr. Srinivasan, Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutical Che...